Reasons for Calling a Locksmith

Whenever someone is locked out of their home or car the first thing that they usually do is call someone who has their spare key. That is, if they have a spare key! What if you have a spare key but you don’t have any way of getting to it? Perhaps you’re unable to get in touch with the person who has your spare key. This can create a great deal of anxiety for anyone. It’s possible for you to be stranded for a long period of time before someone can bring you your spare key. If you want to avoid this, you could contact East Harford Locksmith in East Hartford, CT to assist you at gaining access back inside again. Whether you are locked out of your car or your home, you’ll likely want help right away. Waiting for someone to come to your aid may only make matters worse, especially if you find yourself waiting long then you would like. No one can determine when they will need the help of a locksmith and that is why it is a good idea to know the name of a 24-hour locksmith service. Knowing the name of a reputable and reliable locksmith will at least help minimize some measure of anxiety. A locksmith will have the needed tools needed to effectively assist with your lockout needs.

Gaining Access Inside Again

If you live in an apartment then it might be a lot easier for you to gain access back into your apartment. If you are locked out of your apartment then someone from the property will be able to offer you access back inside. It will be necessary for you to prove that you are who you say you are by presenting them with some form of identification. It is likely someone from management will send someone from maintenance around to let you in again since they usually have a passkey to every apartment for emergency purposes. If you live with someone else, you will not have to wait for them to get home to get back inside as long as you speak with someone from the leasing office. However, be advised that if you have locked yourself out and do not have any form of identification to show, you may have to wait for the other person to get home. This is why it can become an inconvenience.

When someone is locked out of their vehicle, they don’t have to wait for anyone to come along and help them get back inside, if they call a locksmith. If you are locked out of your business, again a locksmith might be your best bet to gain access back inside. They may be able to get you back inside faster than waiting for someone you work with to let you back in.

Home Lockouts

Keyless Locks

A great way to avoid being locked out for too long is to have a keyless lock installed. This is not as expensive as you might think. There are so many keyless locks offered today that it is definitely possible for you to find one within your price range. There’s one to suit everyone’s budget. Since a keyless lock doesn’t require a key, you never have to worry about losing your key. All you’ll need to do is have the keypad installed and create a code. Once you enter the correct code into the keypad, the lock will disengage. Keyless locks are not just for businesses anymore. Many are designed specifically for residential use. Consult with a locksmith about the various types of keyless entry locks available to you.

Avoid Doing the Following

If you ever find yourself locked out avoid using a credit card or picking the lock. You don’t want to give anyone ideas. This is something that many people will do simply because they have seen it done on television, not realizing that they could be making their problem worse. This just gives others the same idea. They may figure since it worked for you that it will also work for them. The wrong person may see you doing this and break in when you’re not around.

The other thing that people often do is break a window to gain access back inside. This is usually done out of sheer desperation. However, we would suggest that you also avoid doing this since it will undoubtedly contribute to your problem. You’ll be able to get back inside but now you will have to have someone come and replace the window that you have broken.

Don’t leave a key on your property because a thief is usually well aware of where most people hide them. The first place that they will look is in the most obvious places. If you place it in an inconspicuous location then you may not even be able to remember where you left the key when you actually need it.

Always Be Ready

It makes sense to have a spare key so if you don’t already have one, get one right away. However, if you do have a spare key made, make sure that you give it to someone that is reliable. Don’t give it to someone who travels a lot because they may not be available when you need them.

Have the name and number of a dependable 24-hour mobile locksmith handy. This will help you avoid waiting for too long before help arrives. Most 24-hour locksmiths respond with a sense of urgency to help you gain access back inside again.

Why Call A Locksmith Instead

Rather than taking matters into your own hands, it would be in your best interest to simply contact a locksmith who can quickly come to your aid. A locksmith is accustomed to addressing these types of issues and that is why they will arrive with the necessary tools needed to effectively get you back into your home, car or business again.

ARTICLE: Reasons for Calling a Locksmith

How You Know You Need More Security

There are some pretty obvious reasons why you might conclude that you need more security. Perhaps you come home and notice glass on the ground in front of your home because someone has broken out one of your windows to gain access inside your home. However, this isn’t the only reason why you should be alert to when you need more security. Ask any of our locksmiths at East Hartford Locksmith in Hartford, CT what you should look for in determining if you need more security for your home. It’s important to understand when you need more security so that you can keep yourself and your loved ones safe. If it has been determined that you do need better security then what are you prepared to do about? Are you interested in knowing just for the benefit of knowing or do you wish to know so that you can take action? What you can do when it has been determined that you need better home security is contact our locksmiths so that they can offer this to you. It is definitely possible for you to receive all the security that you’ll need for your home from one of our locksmiths. A locksmith has the skills and expertise needed to effectively assist with your security needs. Don’t go on thinking that you have all the security that you need when we are just a phone call away and can make sure that you do.

Below we have outlined some of the things to look for when determining if you need better security:

  • Old & Damaged Locks – Unfortunately, the older the locks are the less effective they will become. It will be easier to compromise older locks than it would be to compromise newer locks. Regardless of the type of lock that it is or who the manufacturer of the lock it, they can still be compromised if old and worn. When you notice obvious damages to your locks, this would certainly be a good time to have the locks replaced. Damages usually occur after an attempted break-in has occurred. Even if they weren’t successful in breaking in, this doesn’t mean that the lock has not been damaged. When the lock has been tampered with, it simply makes it easier for the thief to break through the lock. Don’t make it any easier for a thief to get inside your home by leaving the same old locks on your doors. There are some instances when where you may not even know that you have a lock that is damaged. You can contact a locksmith to make an assessment of your locks, annually. If they determine that you have locks that need to be replaced, it would certainly be a good idea to heed their advice. We realize that you can probably install your own locks but when it comes to your safety and security, we recommend that you leave it in the hands of qualified locksmiths.


  • Frequent Traveler – There are plenty of people who have jobs that require them to be on the road a lot. In cases like this, it is much easier for someone to break-in while you are away. This is especially true if you live alone. If you travel for work often, you can never really know who is watching your home and waiting for the chance to get inside. This is why it would be a good idea for you to have a security system installed with an alarm or a camera, have locks installed in those areas that are often forgotten, such as the patio, windows or entryways. Today, technology even enables you to monitor your home while you are away. If you have a security system installed, it might be a good idea to have one with a camera installed so that you can monitor it while you are away. This will also enable you to alert the proper authorities if you see someone attempting to break into your home. It’s also a good idea to offer a good friend or family member a key to your home so that they can go in and out from time to time so that it appears as though someone is always home.


  • You’re the Victim of a Burglary – This is an obvious reason to consider the amount of security that you have, you’ll be surprised to find out that there are some people who don’t do anything once their home has been burglarized. This only leaves them susceptible to further home intrusions. They might reason that since the person already attempted to get in and they didn’t, why does it matter. It matters because now your lock is compromised. Even if that person doesn’t return to try again, they have just made it easier for the next person to break in. Thieves are clever. They might figure that there are other areas of your home that are easier than the lock that they almost broke. If you do not have the right locks on the key areas of your home then it might be possible for a thief to break in. Having your locks re-keyed isn’t the answer to something like this. Better security is needed. This may require more durable home locks or some type of sensor that will alert others when someone comes near your home, such as a bright light.


Again, we realize that there are some things that are obvious but despite that, they don’t always do what they should to avoid a burglary. We would highly recommend that you have a security audit performed every year. You should care enough to assess your homes security so that you can remain safe from potential harm and keep your loved ones safe from potential harm. A locksmith is a practical way to improve your home security because it is practical and affordable. Why not give us a call and find out what options are available to you.

ARTICLE: How You Know You Need More Security

Why All Homes Should Have Deadbolts

Deadbolts are a strong contender when it comes to the field of physical security. Their enduring popularity is due to their relatively low cost and effectiveness. Deadbolts hold up against many forms of criminal attacks far better than their spring-loaded counterparts—including lock picking and brute force attempts. There’s a reason why deadbolts have become so commonplace in both residential and commercial security: because they work. Just because a lock engages does not mean it’s fully secure. A professional locksmith can help you determine the best locks for your East Hartford home for different applications.

East Hartford Locksmith – East Hartford, CT (860) 544-0064 Connecticut, CT

Basics of Deadbolt Locks

Deadbolts are fairly simple in design, which is part of what makes them so effective. In a traditional spring-loaded lock, the bolt inside is held in place using a spring (hence the name) which expands and retracts to lock and unlock the door. In a deadbolt, the spring mechanism is absent, and the lock operates using the key.

The bolt part is known as the “throw,” and is usually one solid piece of metal that fits into hardware installed in the doorframe when engaged. The plate that the deadbolt fits into in the door is called a strike plate. Deadbolts and spring-loaded knob or lever locks are often used together on exterior doors.


Why Deadbolts Are Effective

Deadbolts are mounted inside the door with the associated hardware inserted into the door frame. Since the throw fits into the doorframe and not just the door itself, as with a spring-loaded lock, a deadbolt provides more significant protection against attack than traditional locks. In most cases of home invasion, the intruders utilized forceful tactics in order to gain access. This includes kicking the door in or battering the door, and account for over half of all burglaries according to the latest statistics.

Most security experts, such a locksmiths, recommend that every exterior door on your home that is capable of being outfitted with a deadbolt should be. That’s because spring-loaded knob and lever locks are too easily overcome by criminals using tactics such as lock-picking, bumping, and even breaking with a hammer. Deadbolts are more effective than standard locks, but must be kept in good repair to function optimally. They are considered an absolute must for homes to ensure a bare minimum of security protection. There’s no reason to go without deadbolt locks on your home.

While you could certainly add advanced security features to your home, including an intercom system, CCTV cameras, or alarms on every door and window, without properly functioning deadbolts there’s really no point. It’s much more worthwhile to invest in ensuring that your foundational security features are operating at their best before you move on to advanced tactics. Just because your home has deadbolt locks doesn’t mean they’re operating effectively, either. If the strike plate is not securely fastened, or the deadbolt doesn’t go all the way into the right spot, or the key sticks in the lock when you try to use it, then the deadbolt should be replaced as soon as possible. Often when an intruder kicks at the door, they break the door frame, which is why it’s essential the bolt fit all the way in and that the strike plate be securely fastened.


Home Lockouts

Types of Deadbolts

  • Single-Cylinder Deadbolt: This is the most commonly found type of deadbolt lock, especially on homes. Their mechanism is fairly simple: they have a keyhole on the outside and a thumb-turn lock on the inside. Single-cylinder deadbolts are recommended for most homes, unless your door has glass that can be broken from the outside, allowing an intruder to reach the thumb-turn lever.
  • Double-Cylinder Deadbolt: This type of deadbolt has a keyhole on both the interior and exterior face of the lock. That means that to engage and disengage the throw, there is no alternative but to use a key. While this type of deadbolt is highly secure, it can also pose a risk if a fire breaks out in the home. It’s important to strongly consider whether this type of deadbolt is appropriate by weighing the benefits and risks.
  • Keyless Deadbolt: These deadbolts operate using single-cylinder hardware, but instead of having a keyhole on the outside, keyless deadbolts employ either a physical button keypad or a digital screen. You type in a pin number of your choosing in order to open the door lock. Keyless deadbolts can be more convenient than manual ones because there’s no worry about losing or misplacing your key as long as you can remember your passcode. They are also more secure than physical deadbolts, although they cost more as well.
  • Jimmy-Proof Deadbolt: Jimmy-proof deadbolts are far less common than the other types, but still deserve a mention. A jimmy-proof lock can either be single- or double-cylinder depending on the best option for the door in question. In this type of lock, the lock itself is installed on the door’s exterior and the strike plate is on the interior of the door plate. Two vertical bolts interlock with one another when the lock is engaged. Jimmy-proof deadbolts that feature double-cylinder construction are illegal for multi-family dwellings in New York City and other parts of the country because of the danger they create during a fire or another emergency that requires a swift exit.

Properly functioning deadbolts can be a great addition to your home’s security for a relatively low price. The security they provide is essential to protecting your home. If you’re looking to have one or more deadbolts installed or replaced at your East Hartford, Connecticut residence, contact a locksmith team, such as East Hartford Locksmith, for a free consultation and price quote. A locksmith will be able to provide you with installation of all of the above types of deadbolts, as well as many additional lock and security services. If you’ve been the victim of a break-in, it’s imperative that you have your locks replaced and upgraded as soon as possible to restore your home’s security as well as your peace of mind.

ARTICLE: Why All Homes Should Have Deadbolts

East Hartford Locksmith Assistance

East Hartford Locksmith knows that East Hartford, Connecticut is a nice suburb where many families have chosen to settle down. One thing they need to bear in mind is the importance of security. You must have locks that work and accessible solutions that make things convenient for you, but difficult if not impossible for unwanted persons to get into your home, car or office. We boast 24 hour a day service for those times that you need help fast, such as during a lockout. We have licensed and insured professionals who are familiar with the area and can get to you quickly no matter what time it is. If you’d like to find out more about this or other services we offer, we invite you to call us. We offer free consultations and can give you free price quotes for any of our auto, residential or commercial solutions.

East Hartford Locksmith – East Hartford, CT (860) 544-0064 Connecticut, CT

Call us now to request more details: (860) 544-0064

We are proud to be certified to offer various services –

Residential Services:

  • Home Safes
  • Master Keys
  • Intercom Systems
  • Broken Key Extraction
  • Home Lockouts
  • Deadbolts Installation
  • High Security Locks
  • Re-Key Locks
  • Lock Change

Commercial Services:

  • Business Keys
  • Upgrades
  • Re-Key
  • Lockouts
  • Locks, Deadbolts & Hardware
  • Replacements
  • Break-In Repairs
  • Repairs

Miscellaneous Services:

  • Lock & Key
  • Deadbolts
  • 24 Hour Service
  • Lock Installation
  • Change Locks
  • Emergency Lock Out
  • Panic Bars
  • Make Keys

Automobile Services:

  • High Security Sidewinder
  • Smart Keys
  • Automotive Keys
  • Transponder Keys Made
  • Unlock Car Doors
  • Transponder Chips
  • Auto Lockouts, Keys Made, Lock Change
  • Opening Car Doors

We love the brands we work with regularly:

  • Baldwin
  • Mul-T-Lock
  • Schlage
  • Kwikset
  • Medeco
  • Kaba
  • ASSA
  • Falcon
  • Ilco
  • Yale

Who are you going to call the next time you are locked out or looking for advanced solutions? Hopefully East Hartford Locksmith in CT. You won’t be disappointed in us.


Get in touch with us: (860) 544-0064